Mulawin versus Ravena, a Filipino fantasy television series created and produced by GMA Network. A sequel to the fantasy series Mulawin televised in 2004 starred by Richard Gutierrez, Angel Locsin and Dennis Trillo. It is set to premiere on May 22, 2017 starring Dennis Trillo together with an ensemble cast succeeding the most grandest Philippine epic telefantasya Encantadia. The series will be directed by Don Michael Perez and Dominic Zapata, the same team who developed the original series. It is not a retelling-requel of Mulawin unlike Encantadia, but it comprises the continuation of the stories, affairs, and the aftermath which includes the additional generational characters and the introduction of the Bathalumans, the origin of Dakila, the founding demi-god of Pugad Lawin kingdom in Avila, Encantadia.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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